Advanced HUBER Screw Press Technology For Bribie Island WWTP
Hydroflux HUBER has recently completed an upgrade of Bribie Island sewage treatment plant’s entire sludge management facility. A key part...
Screw Conveyor Package Awarded to Hydroflux for Saleyards Application
Hydroflux were recently awarded a project for the supply of multiple shaftless screw conveyors to a QLD Saleyard for the...
Massive Conveyor System Delivered to One of Australia’s Largest Wastewater Treatment Plants
Hydroflux’s subsidiary company, Hydroflux Huber, delivered over 16 Dutch Spiral shaftless screw conveyors to the Malabar WWTP located in Sydney,...
Advanced MBR Screening Technology Awarded to Hydroflux HUBER for Goulburn STP
Goulburn STP is currently being upgraded by Haslin Constructions, to include a state of the art Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) process...
How do You Provide Safe Drinking Water to 120 Australian Scouts Camping in Mongolia?
Well you could ask Hydroflux! From Scouts Australia Contingent to the 31st Asia Pacific Jamboree 2017; “With thanks to Hydroflux...
Maximising Digester Performance with HUBER Rotary Screw Thickeners
Hydroflux Huber, a member of the Hydroflux Group, is playing a small but vital role in the operation of the...